WorldOfTanks (compiled at 16:02:11 Jan 19 2017) starting on Sat Mar 11 13:06:46 2017
2017-03-11 13:06:46.222: INFO: [Config] Command line: C:/World_of_Tanks/WorldOfTanks.exe
2017-03-11 13:06:47.323: INFO: [Config] Default encoding set to utf-8
2017-03-11 13:06:47.344: INFO: [PY_DEBUG] Release Client - Content Type: sd
2017-03-11 13:06:47.344: INFO: [PY_DEBUG] Checking ./res_mods/ mods found
2017-03-11 13:06:47.344: INFO: [PY_DEBUG] Checking ./mods/ mods not found
2017-03-11 13:06:53.239: WARNING: [WARNING] (scripts/common/quest_cache_helpers.py, 48): scripts/item_defs/clubs_quests/ladder_quests_RU.xml ('No quests of type clubsQuest were found in scripts/item_defs/clubs_quests/ladder_quests_RU.xml.',)
2017-03-11 13:06:53.378: NOTICE: [NOTE] (scripts/client/post_processing/__init__.py, 273): The quality = 3 was selected.
2017-03-11 13:06:53.378: NOTICE: [NOTE] (scripts/client/post_processing/__init__.py, 273): The quality = 4 was selected.
2017-03-11 13:06:54.159: INFO: [NOTE] package loaded: mod_updater
2017-03-11 13:07:09.872: NOTICE: [NOTE] (scripts/client/helpers/statistics.py, 220): HANGAR LOADING STATE: LOGIN - 23.6539993286
2017-03-11 13:07:09.876: NOTICE: [NOTE] (scripts/client/ConnectionManager.py, 221): User authentication method: token2
2017-03-11 13:07:12.002: NOTICE: [NOTE] (scripts/client/helpers/statistics.py, 220): HANGAR LOADING STATE: CONNECTED - 25.7840003967
2017-03-11 13:07:12.461: NOTICE: [NOTE] (scripts/client/account_helpers/settings_core/options.py, 711): Change state of voip: (True,)
2017-03-11 13:07:12.792: NOTICE: [NOTE] (scripts/client/gui/battle_control/arena_info/arena_dp.py, 544): Player's team not found.
2017-03-11 13:07:12.792: NOTICE: [NOTE] (scripts/client/gui/battle_control/arena_info/arena_dp.py, 550): Player's vehicle ID not found.
2017-03-11 13:07:12.792: NOTICE: [NOTE] (scripts/client/gui/battle_control/arena_info/arena_dp.py, 554): Uses slow player search by name
2017-03-11 13:07:12.793: NOTICE: [NOTE] (scripts/client/gui/battle_control/arena_info/arena_dp.py, 544): Player's team not found.
2017-03-11 13:07:12.793: NOTICE: [NOTE] (scripts/client/gui/battle_control/arena_info/arena_dp.py, 550): Player's vehicle ID not found.
2017-03-11 13:07:12.793: NOTICE: [NOTE] (scripts/client/gui/battle_control/arena_info/arena_dp.py, 554): Uses slow player search by name
2017-03-11 13:07:12.793: NOTICE: [NOTE] (scripts/client/gui/battle_control/arena_info/arena_dp.py, 544): Player's team not found.
2017-03-11 13:07:12.793: NOTICE: [NOTE] (scripts/client/gui/battle_control/arena_info/arena_dp.py, 550): Player's vehicle ID not found.
2017-03-11 13:07:12.793: NOTICE: [NOTE] (scripts/client/gui/battle_control/arena_info/arena_dp.py, 554): Uses slow player search by name
2017-03-11 13:07:12.895: NOTICE: [NOTE] (scripts/client/game.py, 459): [SPACE] Loading space: spaces/34_redshire
2017-03-11 13:07:16.183: ERROR: [ERROR] (scripts/client/vehicle_systems/camouflages.py, 123): Unexpected lack of fashion, but camouflage is being applied. Use prepareFashions function!
2017-03-11 13:07:16.183: ERROR: [ERROR] (scripts/client/vehicle_systems/camouflages.py, 123): Unexpected lack of fashion, but camouflage is being applied. Use prepareFashions function!
2017-03-11 13:07:16.183: ERROR: [ERROR] (scripts/client/vehicle_systems/camouflages.py, 123): Unexpected lack of fashion, but camouflage is being applied. Use prepareFashions function!
2017-03-11 13:07:16.183: ERROR: [ERROR] (scripts/client/vehicle_systems/camouflages.py, 123): Unexpected lack of fashion, but camouflage is being applied. Use prepareFashions function!
2017-03-11 13:09:45.434: INFO: [SOUND_ERROR] Sound fail: 2166136261 - ErrorCode: 15
2017-03-11 13:09:50.922: INFO: [SOUND_ERROR] Sound fail: 2166136261 - ErrorCode: 15
2017-03-11 13:09:56.327: INFO: [SOUND_ERROR] Sound fail: 2166136261 - ErrorCode: 15
2017-03-11 13:10:02.231: INFO: [SOUND_ERROR] Sound fail: 2166136261 - ErrorCode: 15
2017-03-11 13:10:07.735: INFO: [SOUND_ERROR] Sound fail: 2166136261 - ErrorCode: 15
2017-03-11 13:10:13.124: INFO: [SOUND_ERROR] Sound fail: 2166136261 - ErrorCode: 15
2017-03-11 13:10:18.627: INFO: [SOUND_ERROR] Sound fail: 2166136261 - ErrorCode: 15
2017-03-11 13:10:24.132: INFO: [SOUND_ERROR] Sound fail: 2166136261 - ErrorCode: 15
2017-03-11 13:10:26.934: INFO: [SOUND_ERROR] Sound fail: 2166136261 - ErrorCode: 15
2017-03-11 13:10:29.621: INFO: [SOUND_ERROR] Sound fail: 2166136261 - ErrorCode: 15
2017-03-11 13:10:42.230: INFO: [SOUND_ERROR] Sound fail: 2166136261 - ErrorCode: 15
2017-03-11 13:10:47.635: INFO: [SOUND_ERROR] Sound fail: 2166136261 - ErrorCode: 15
2017-03-11 13:10:51.859: NOTICE: [NOTE] (scripts/client/helpers/statistics.py, 220): HANGAR LOADING STATE: CONNECTED - 245.63999939
2017-03-11 13:10:52.811: NOTICE: [NOTE] (scripts/client/helpers/statistics.py, 220): HANGAR LOADING STATE: SHOW GUI - 246.591995239
2017-03-11 13:10:57.462: NOTICE: [NOTE] (scripts/client/helpers/statistics.py, 220): HANGAR LOADING STATE: QUESTS SYNC - 251.242996216
2017-03-11 13:10:57.507: NOTICE: [NOTE] (scripts/client/helpers/statistics.py, 220): HANGAR LOADING STATE: USS SYNC - 251.287994385
2017-03-11 13:10:57.525: NOTICE: [NOTE] (scripts/client/helpers/statistics.py, 220): HANGAR LOADING STATE: SPACE LOADING START - 251.305999756
2017-03-11 13:10:57.628: NOTICE: [NOTE] (scripts/client/game.py, 459): [SPACE] Loading space: spaces/hangar_premium_v2
2017-03-11 13:10:58.985: NOTICE: [NOTE] (scripts/client/helpers/statistics.py, 220): HANGAR LOADING STATE: SPACE LOADING END - 252.76600647
2017-03-11 13:10:58.985: NOTICE: [NOTE] (scripts/client/helpers/statistics.py, 220): HANGAR LOADING STATE: HANGAR READY - 252.76600647
2017-03-11 13:10:58.985: NOTICE: [NOTE] (scripts/client/helpers/statistics.py, 248): HANGAR LOADING STATE: SUMMARY TOTAL = 7.12600708008
2017-03-11 13:11:03.692: NOTICE: [NOTE] (scripts/client/helpers/statistics.py, 220): HANGAR LOADING STATE: DISCONNECTED - 257.472991943
2017-03-11 13:11:03.700: INFO: PostProcessing.Phases.fini()